
American Man Seeks Chinese Woman

Not too surprised to see this ad this week. Crap like this show up all the damn time. This one is tame in comparison. Just search "Asian dolls" and you'll see. (Like I did when I was looking for an Asian doll for my daughter's birthday.

I was a bit disappointed to find the above add in the Northwest Asian Weekly. Not to dig at NWAW, because I love their paper. Just you know...vexed that they allow this ad to run. I seem to remember seeing similar personals in their classifies before, but this time it really ticked me off. Maybe I'm just having a bad day.

Come people, chime in. Leave a comment for me. What should I do? Call this fine specimen of American pride and give him a piece of my mind? Write NWAW and remind them this guy is preying on our community? What about free speech? This ad is not illegal. Is it so different than looking for a multilingual nanny?

Talk to me friends. I'm not sure what action to take.

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