
Limited Household Members on Census 2010

Filling out Census 2010. Noticed that you get to check the race of up to 6 people in the household. Person 7 and + don't get to declare race. Let me jump into the stereotype that many Asian Americans have multi-generations living under the same roof. It's noted on the Census that they may call to get more info for the additional people. So I'm curious on the impact on APA households:

Will they actually call to collect the additional data?

1) If so, will language be a problem. Will they automatically use an English caller or assume a language based on person 1-6's race and use specific interpreters to call? I know if my parents get a call they'll panic if it's an English speaking call or assume it's a telemarketer. Even if it's a Chinese speaking caller, my parents will lie or hang up, because growing up in communist China made them paranoid like that. They assume everyone is "out to get us."

2) If they don't call, will APA get under counted?

Now I understand the form planners having to decide on some kind of cut off. They can't send forms with 20 spots, even 6 spots feels like overkill for a lot of families.

Asian Men

Saw this over at Post Secret this weekend. Good stuff.


She Likes Chicken Feet

My two year old daughter gobbled up chicken feet (Phoenix Talons) at dim sum today. I’m so happy. Made it the best day of the week. I never explained what animal/body part/name of the dish it was. Wasn’t trying to hide the fact, I was busy making sure she wouldn’t choke on the little bones and just forgot. After she studied it for a minute she said she liked the “fingers.”

Oh, she also likes to lick her own feet when bored. Not sure what that's all about.