
Secret Identities: The Asian American Superhero Anthology

I promised a review of Secret Identities and I’m here to deliver. Get a copy now!

Powerful and approachable. A pioneer in storytelling. Secret Identities (SI) features Asian American (AA) characters in plots launched from current and historical AA events. Like a superhero, SI strikes social atrocities without any fear. Harsh realities ranging from interment, to detainees, to immigration are treated with respect and dignity. It speaks of our past and inspires the future.

This anthology goes beyond the usual fare in Asian American literature, beyond the pains of immigrant assimilation and of youth straddling two cultures. The stories probe far beyond individual experiences and delve into the social practices and implication of Asian American life. Questioning and calling into examination institutionalized racism and the undercurrent of power against AA.

I admire the approach taken by the creators to develop a piece written with AA as the target audience. Too often, contemporary Asian American literature becomes a shout of angry with the goal to illuminate our hardship for non Asian Americans to gain an understanding of our sphere. While SI does serve to bridge the gap, more importantly it captures the collective Asian American psyche. Multiple readings are needed for the full depth of the intricacies to emerge.

Secret Identities is more than a book. It’s a product of Asian American joining up and declaring the success and vibrancy of our population.

I hope sales will be successful enough for a second volume to follow. I look forward to seeing the current stories such as the Hibakusha develop further as well as increase inclusion of Southeast and South Asian stories. I want to pre-order copies of Volume 2 today!

Gotta go read Secret Identities from cover to cover again!

1 comment:

Shelise said...

I haven't picked up my copy yet, but glad to see a positive review. I'll let you know when I finish and we can discuss!