
Funky Shiitake Mushrooms

My good friend over at Big Trendy posted about the Funky Shiitake Mushrooms.

I have to admit, I felt a little weird loving these guys. Stereotypical Asian nerd kids. Do we really need to dig deeper into our dreaded Long Duk Dong grave? But damn it, I don't care. They won freakin' robotics contests! They built their own remote controlled hybrid airships.

I have to remind myself that these five are not the lone AA outcast in a midwestern school, who bond together and fend off teasing from the white kids. Hailing from Mission San Jose High School in Fremont California, the school population is 75% AA.

FSM, you are officially rock stars to me. Come on over to dinner. I just shopped Costco today. Plenty of food for you over here. Love to have you five nerd out and play video games here.

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